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Movie Poster One sheet Production - Vibiquity
Movie Poster One sheet Production - Vibiquity
Movie Poster One sheet Production - Vibiquity, Photoshopped and edited for devices/other digital formats.
Movie Poster One sheet Production - Vibiquity, Photoshopped and edited for devices/other digital formats.
Movie Poster One sheet Production - Vibiquity, Photoshopped and edited for devices/other digital formats.
insightthefilm.com website design and implementation
erikatoraya.com website design and implementation
Susanna Lee Sings full branding and website design and music release consultation.
Musician Branding and One Page Website Design
Susanna Lee Sings full branding and website design and music release consultation.
Susanna Lee full branding with print, cd cover design, merch store and swag.
Movie Poster One sheet Custom Design
Original Movie Poster Design
Portrait & Glamour Photography
Portrait Photography
Portrait Musician Promo Photography
Portrait Musician Promo Photography
Portrait Photography
Portrait & Glamour Photography
Portrait & Glamour Photography
Portrait & Glamour Photography
Actor Headshot for Rachel Greeley
Custom Website Design
Branding Design, Thump Jewelry Logo
Real Estate Website Design. Also designed business cards for this client.
Royalty Creative - Portfolio - Portrait Photography
Musician Graphics and Branding
Musician Graphics and Branding
Musician Graphics and Branding
Musician Graphics and Branding
Branding Design - Including Logo, busines card and letterhead
ACR Interiors Website -Website Design with Customer Branding
Custom App. Design
Custom Website Design
E-commerce store Product Photography
ASCAP two page ad
Bottle production and design, Packaging and Label Design
Bottle production and design, Packaging and Label Design
Product photography
Website Design and Branding
Website Design and Branding
Website Design and Branding
Digital Graphic Design
Digital Promotion Design
Website Portal Design
Client Testimonials
Le is an incredible individual. We started casually, chatting about our passions and the goals we were working towards in life and professionally. I explained I was planting a seed in order to change careers and be self sustainable someday. Le acknowledged that being an entrepreneur is a different way of life and full of challenges but believed in me and my dreams and wanted to help me succeed. This is where Le really shined. Le was very organized, meticulous, methodical, and personable. Le gets work done. As an artist I get caught up in day dreams but Le would bring me back to focus and I could tell she really wanted me to succeed and laid out the framework for success. I now work towards entrepreneurship everyday. Le truly inspired me with her knowledge of marketing, branding, website design, and the right mindsets at the right times. Le was the best person to pull me through and help my ideas and visions transpire and I am forever grateful for doing business with her and ultimately making a new friend. One day at a time, One task at a time. I will be doing business with Le again in the future, Absolutely.
Justin DialThump Jewelry Creator, Lemons Gold Founder and Software Engineer
Le did a fantastic job designing my entire website, taking photographs, and improving the look of my youtube and twitter page which has enhanced the overall appearance and impact of my branding. She was very patient, professional, and EASY to work with. She explained everything she was doing. Le is a great person to have on your team.
Mike SullivanPublic Speaker and Musician
Le redesigned our website and did an excellent job. Her depth of knowledge and thorough nature have created a more powerful site than I could have imagined.
Dale MederFish Styx CEO
I am so happy I decided that I recommended Le for the job. She not only completed the website beautifully but went the extra mile in regards to any questions that arose, and her customer service exceeded all expectations.
Kimbra WestEntertainer, Producer, Writer & Educator
Are you a dedicated professional ready to take your branding and website design to the next level? If yes. click here to contact me so we can get started.